How to Get Rid of Body Acne

Acne is one of the most common skin conditions that affects adolescents and young adults. Though facial acne is often a cause of cosmetic concern, body acne could also cause discomfort. This article provides information on preventing and controlling this skin condition.

Acne can affect any part of the body, with the exception of the palms and soles. It could develop on the neck, chest, back, upper arms, buttocks, and shoulders. It occurs due to excessive secretion of sebum by the sebaceous glands, excess accumulation of dead skin cells, and bacterial overgrowth. It is affected by both genetic and environmental factors. Wearing tight/sweaty/damp clothes may trigger the development of this skin condition. This condition can be addressed with proper skin care and the use of medications.
The number of pores and sweat glands are more on the body than the face area, which is why body acne needs to be treated differently. There is no simple and fast way to treat it. However, taking care of the skin can control and prevent their recurrent outbreaks.
Frequent Bathing: Frequent bathing with lukewarm water is one of the best treatments for this skin condition. Soaking the acne-affected areas in warm water will help in loosening the dead skin cells and opening the pores. Do not irritate the skin by scrubbing the affected areas with a loofah or body scrubber. If possible, take a shower several times a day to wash off perspiration. This will also minimize the chances of bacterial infestation, especially in skin folds or other susceptible areas.
Use Mild Cleansers: Regular usage of fragrant soaps for cleaning the body is not advisable. A mild cleanser can be used several times a day, especially for cleaning the affected areas. You could also opt for the cleansers that are specifically formulated for this skin condition. These products contain the active ingredient, which helps in the removal of accumulated oils and dead cells. Use the cleansers as per the directions specified on the product.
Exfoliate Skin: The dead skin cells clog the pores, thereby leading to the development of pimples. Exfoliation helps in the removal of dead skin cells. Use a prescribed skin product with exfoliation beads to exfoliate the affected skin area. According to experts, skin exfoliation should be done at least twice a week.
Comfortable Clothing: Skin irritation worsens the condition, which is why wearing loose and comfortable clothes can help. Wear clothes that are made from breathable fabrics that absorb the sweat effectively. Woolen clothes can cause irritation and scratching of the skin, which in turn can aggravate the pimples.
Diet Plan: Follow a diet that is rich in fruits and vegetables, as these contain antioxidants that effectively combat free radicals, thereby improving the immune system. Also, refrain from the consumption of oily foods. Drinking plenty of water everyday, as that would help flush out the body toxins.
Consult a qualified dermatologist for proper diagnosis and correct treatment, especially in case of painful, large, and persistent pimples.
DisclaimerThis article is for informative purposes only and does not in any way attempt to replace the advice offered by an expert on the subject.