Best Acne Treatment for Sensitive Skin

For people with sensitive skin, the surface is thin and the production of sebum does not stop altogether. As our hormones surge, so does the production, which in turn clogs the pores. The worst part is, there’s no specific age or gender that can easily escape the tortures of acne. Hence, keeping your age and gender apart from the subject, we are going to try to find the best acne treatment for sensitive skin. In the following sections, we will discuss what are some steps you need to take in order to help get rid of acne.

What is Sensitive Skin?

Millions of people around the world have sensitive skin but are unaware about its exact definition. To help understand what this skin type is, let’s put it this way: your skin is a fine-textured skin that is quick to react to heat and cold. Now, people who easily get sunburned and windburned can be classified as such; also, when your skin starts to feel stingy, irritated, red, or tight. The normal texture of the skin is dry, very delicate, and has the tendency to get allergic reactions. Any kind of change in temperature, certain cosmetics and detergents can instantly irritate the skin, leaving it red and blotchy. So how is this skin type related to acne? Let’s find out.

Cleanse and Detoxify Your Skin

Eating healthy foods and eliminating toxins, preservatives, fatty and junk foods, and processed foods is the first step towards achieving beautiful looking skin. This is one of the most effective techniques toward acne control. Your body needs a thorough cleanse so that it doesn’t try to secrete any oil or dirt through the pores.

  • Do… drink lots of pure water to help your body eliminate acne causing toxins.
  • Do… eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. It is vital so that your body can absorb all the essential nutrients.
  • Do… cut down or reduce intake of alcohol, coffee, tea, sugary drinks, and carbonated soft drinks.
  • Do… keep calm; try meditation and yoga.
  • Do… opt for soft hypoallergenic skincare products.
  • Do… cleanse and moisturize your face every night.Do… cut down or quit altogether.
  • Don’t… smoke.
  • Don’t… take a lot of stress.

Face Masks to Apply

Before you commit to any home remedies, consult with your dermatologist. As I mentioned earlier, we all have unique requirements and concerns when it comes to skincare. Hence, be patient as it can take a while before you see the results. The main goal is to continue the treatment (that fits you best) for sometime and then evaluate the results.

Baking Soda Mask
In a bowl, mix a teaspoon of baking soda with water. Make the paste and spread it on your face. Let it dry completely and then rinse with water thoroughly. If you feel too sensitive towards the mask, discontinue its use.

Raw Potato Mask
Make thin slices of a raw, organic white potato. Spread the slices all over your face and let it sit for 5 – 10 minutes. The raw potato helps in reducing the swelling and inflammation sometimes caused due to acne.

Oatmeal Mask
Grind ½ cup oatmeal in the blender, pour it in a bowl and add enough water to make a thick paste. Spread it all over your face and let it dry. This is a smooth and effective way of treating irritated skin.

Apple and Honey Mask
In a bowl, grate an apple and mix enough honey to make a paste. Spread it all over your face and let it sit for about 20 – 25 minutes. Honey will be a bit sticky over your skin, so make sure to wash your face with lukewarm water.

Egg Yolk Mask
In a bowl, beat 1 egg yolk and apply it over your face with a clean makeup brush. Let it sit for about 10 minutes and then wash with cold water. Apply this mask once a day for an entire week.

Do Over-the-counter Medication Help?

If you suffer from acne, perhaps you have visited dermatologists who prescribe certain over-the-counter medication to help treat them (specifically for your skin). On the other hand, if you haven’t, I would strongly advice you to. Even though, not all over-the-counter acne medication are ineffective, it is difficult to actually predict so for everyone. We all have different skin types and our lifestyles are also unique. According to that, the results of any treatment will differ. However, since certain products contain large amounts of benzoyl peroxide, alpha hydroxy acid, and beta hydroxy acid, they are not recommended for people with sensitive skin. Chemicals like these are used to increase the skin’s exfoliation, but the skin usually reacts to them and turns red while giving a burning sensation. At times, it can also aggravate the acne for some.

There you have it. These were some treatment options which you can try at home. The most important part is to find the right acne solution that works for you. Getting rid of acne is not an easy task, so taking utmost care and following the correct guidelines (according to your skin type) is highly essential. Consult your dermatologist to verify if the home remedy you’re using is giving you positive results; or should you select any other methods.

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