Homemade Face Masks for Acne: Say Goodbye to Your Skin Woes

Homemade face masks for acne are made from materials easily available at your home. Since, they are made with natural products, they are absolutely free from side-effects. Their regular usage removes acne and brings a natural radiance to your skin.

Acne or Acne vulgaris as is medically acknowledged, is a skin condition that affects 85% of the population between the age of 12 to 30 years, all over the world. Approximately 20% of women suffer from this skin disorder that can occur at any stage of life. However, it mostly occurs at puberty, and gets worsened during adolescence. Body parts like face, shoulders, chest and neck can develop acne. It can also appear on the arms. Acne spots generally disappear over time, or at least diminish to a great extent. Many people experience the ‘fading away’ of acne in their early twenties while in some, it may be prominent till their thirties and forties, or even beyond.

In case your forehead and cheeks are covered with acne, you must consult a dermatologist and should not try anything on your own to treat it. Causes of acne range from dandruff to accumulation of dead cells and other dust particles on the skin. A specialist medical professional will tell you the right cause behind your problem and will treat you accordingly. However, if you have got acne scattered here and there, you can try out some homemade face masks, as they are the safest treatment. The face masks are made from fruits, honey, and other natural stuffs, and therefore, there is no risk of any side-effects. They are not only safe to use but are also very effective in acne control. Mentioned below are some of the most easily made face masks for acne and pimples, which you can try at home.

Gram flour Face Mask
Gram flour
Acne occurs when dead skin, oils, and bacteria accumulate in the skin pores. The most effective way for acne scar removal will be scrubbing off the dead skin. Make a scrub at home itself. Take 2 tablespoons of gram flour. Add adequate amount of yogurt to make a paste. Add a few drops of rose water and lemon juice to it. In case your skin is dry, add 2-3 drops of vegetable oil. Mix well. Spread it on the affected area, keep it on for about half-hour, or till it is dry. Clean it off with cold water by gently massaging the skin in circular motion. Those having oily skin can use this face mask every alternate day, while those having dry skin should use it only once a week.
Dry Basil Leaves Face Mask
Dried basil
This face mask is also called acne tonic basil mask. To make it, take 10-12 tablespoons of powder made from dry basil leaves. Soak it in water for 2 hours. Apply it on the face and let it sit there for about 20-30 minutes. Remove it with warm water. Lay a wet hand towel on your face for 10 minutes. Use this dry basil leaves face mask once in a week.
Baking Soda Face Mask
Baking soda
Take a pinch of baking soda on your palm. Mix it with a few drops of water. Apply it on your face. Let it stay there for about 15 minutes. Wash your face with water. You would feel a softer and clearer skin. Use this face mask twice a week for best results.
Apple and Honey Face Mask
piece of apple
Take half of an apple, and grate it. Mix it with four teaspoons of honey. Apply it on the affected skin part and let it stay there for about 15 minutes. Rinse off with water. This face mask works wonders on dry skin, and you can use it daily as it prevents outbreak of pimples and also brings glow and radiance to the skin.
Oatmeal Face Mask
Oatmeal ingredients
Oatmeal has healing and soothing properties, and hence, it is widely used in acne skin care products. It is very easy to make a face mask with oatmeal. Boil ½ a cup of oatmeal in water. Cool it, and then spread a thick layer all over your face. Wait for 20 minutes. Rinse with water.
Rose Water and Lemon Juice Face Mask
Rose skincare
Lemon has vitamin C, which is a necessity for healthy skin. Take a tablespoon of lemon juice and add 3-4 drops of rose water to it. Spread it on your face and other acne-prone regions. Let it stay there for 10 minutes, and then wash it off with water. It is not recommended for dry skin though.
Natural ingredients
The face masks made with aloe vera, orange juice, cucumber, and oregano oil have anti-bacterial properties. You can use a single or a combination of the ingredients mentioned above. Suppose, you decide to make a face mask with aloe vera and orange juice, then use only this face pack for at least a month. Next month you can try some other combination. Keep on changing the face masks every few months, and then find out which face mask works well on your skin. Once you know that, you can carry on further with the same.
Some Essential Tips
Apart from the above masks, there are a few dos and don’ts that can help in reducing the incidence of acne, and prevent further aggravation. These are as follows:
Chiken curry
As far as possible, avoid oily food, or food that is rich and spicy.
light natural makeup
Keep makeup light or use it sparingly, and always remove completely with the use of a cleanser before you go to sleep. Ensure you use non-comedogenic products.
Lotion and a cotton pad
Use a mild cleanser for acne-prone skin, or one that is formulated for your skin type, twice daily.
glass of water
Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated – this also helps flush out toxins that can clog pores.
squeezing pimple
Never squeeze pimples or boils – they could leave scars.
All the above-mentioned face masks for acne are made with easily available materials, are simple to use, and are very effective in acne prevention. It is advisable that after using any face mask, you should moisturize your skin well as their regular use tend to dry up the skin. You can put on the face mask at any time of the day. Still, it would be better if you do this beauty regime during night. This gives fast results. Well, it’s time to say hello to a clean and healthy skin.